
Background Remover Website Banner

Background Remover

A web app that removes the background from your headshots!

Tech Stack: JavaScript, SvelteKit, Azure AI Vision, Appwrite Cloud

Alt Text Generator Website Banner

Alt Text Generator

A web app that accepts an image and generates alt text for it.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Svelte, Vite, Vercel Serverless Functions, Azure OpenAI Service

SOS App Banner


A cross-platform app that allows the user to send an SOS message with their location to a saved phone number in times of distress

Tech Stack: .NET MAUI, Appwrite Function with .NET, Twilio Programmable SMS and Voice, Radar Geocoding API

Social Mojifier Banner

RickRoll Appwrite Cloud Function

Appwrite Cloud Function that rick rolls a person on phone call via Twilio

Tech Stack: .NET 6.0, Appwrite, Twilio

Social Mojifier Banner

Hackathon Submissions Platform Template

Template repo for you to generate a submission platform for your hackathon for free on a GitHub

Tech Stack: Markdown, GitHub

Social Mojifier Banner

Social Mojifier

An app that emojifies your selfie based on your predominant emotion and allows you to save and share it on your social media handles

Tech Stack: Xamarin.Forms, Azure Cognitive Services Face API

Marvelous Banner

A web-based solution that gets the entire Marvel comic books listings and finds where you can buy them at the best price possible.

Tech Stack: Marvel API, ASP.NET Web API, Azure App Service

SOS App Banner

SOS App - Xamarin.Forms

An app that SMSes a pre-decided phone number the coordinates and address of the device if the user feels unsafe

Tech Stack: Xamarin.Forms, Azure Function with .NET, Twilio Programmable SMS, Google Maps Geocoding API

CodeCapture Banner

CodeCapture - Web App

A web app that enables coding education for students without computers by taking code from paper to the mobile browser

Tech Stack: .NET Core 3.1, Azure Functions, Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Read API, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Static Web App

FakeACall Banner


An Android Wear smartwatch app that allows you to fake a phone call to get out of tricky situations

Tech Stack: Xamarin.Android, Azure Function using .NET Core 3.1, Twilio Programmable Voice

CodeCapture Banner

CodeCapture - Cross-Platform Mobile App

A cross-platform app that aims to assist remote learning experiences in Computer Science for students without computers by taking code from paper to mobile.

Tech Stack: Xamarin.Forms, Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Read API, JDoodle Compiler API, Twilio Programmable SMS

TagCOVID Banner


A cross-platform application created to help healthcare institutions catalog and manage contact details of COVID-19 patients from their staff’s smartphones or desktops

Tech Stack: Xamarin.Forms, Azure Cosmos DB